
A library of Node.js modules that help bring MapleStory private server development to the npm
npm i --save @perion/perion
- Note this project is in early development, use with caution
Core Packages
- calc
A calculator library that implements standard MapleStory specific calculations such as damage, stat modifiers, experience, and levels.
const calc = require('@perion/calc');
/** Example player stats object */
const playerStats = {base: {str: 4, ...}, hyper: {str: 1, ...}};
/** crypto.calc example */
const modifiedStats = calc.HyperStats(playerStats).applyAll().get();
/** Returns {str: 34, ...} */
- crypto
A cryptography library that exposes everything you need to encrypt/decrypt data for MapleStory.
const crypto = require('@perion/crypto');
/** Example data */
const payload = Buffer.from([0x1]);
const sendIv = Buffer.from([0x0, 0x2, 0x3, 0x4]);
const recvIv = Buffer.from([0x4, 0x2, 0x1, 0x0]);
/** crypto.Shanda example */
const encrypted = crypto.Shanda.encrypt(payload);
const decrypted = crypto.Shanda.decrypt(payload);
/** Returns the input buffer with the payload encrypted/decrypted using Maple Custom Shanda */
/** crypto.AES example */
* You must initialize the AES class with:
* - an IV (Initialization Vector)
* - a MapleStory version number
* The IV must have a length of 4
* As the server, you must send the IV for both send and recv to the client
const sendAES = new crypto.AES(sendIv, 83);
const recvAES = new crypto.AES(recvIv, 83);
const encryptedOut = sendAES.transform(payload);
const decryptedIn = recvAES.transform(payload);
/** Returns the input buffer with the payload encrypted/decryped using Maple AES */
- net
A packet parser using method-chaining syntax for compact and efficient parsing/writing of packet structures.
const net = require('@perion/net');
/** Example buffer */
const data = Buffer.from([1, 2]);
/** net.Packet.Parser example */
const packet = new net.Packet.Parser(data);
const fields = ['id', 'name', 'hp'];
const unpacked = packet.int().mapleascii().int().collect(fields);
/** Returns {id: <number>, name: <string>, hp: <number>} */
/** net.Packet.Writer example */
/** Initialize with length */
let packet = new net.Packet.Writer(5);
packet = packet.byte(0x0).int(9).buffer();
/** Returns the buffer with data */
- script
A generic scripting engine for NPCs, events, maps, etc.
- wz
A WZ library that can read and write to the WZ file format.
Neat Features
- Uses Google's recommended JS style guidelines, fully documented code including full JSDoc comments
- Modular packages, so use what you want
- Full test coverage, with a minimum coverage threshold of 90%
- Zero dependencies
Project Goals
In Progress
- Networking protocol
- Damage calculations
- Event timers
- WZ and NX file format
- Generic MapleStory abstractions
- Multiple MapleStory versions
Project Overview
npm run lint
npm run test
npm run lcov
Click here for the code documentation!
For now, there are no contribution guidelines. I only ask that you follow the eslint
rules when contributing a pull request. Thanks!